Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monk Leveling Guide

In Ragnarok Monk Leveling , you could either use Finger Offensive or Infiltration. The finger offensive skill cannot be interrupted which is an advantage for monks. Infiltration on the other hand is vit based. The higher the vit of the monster, the higher the damage of your Ragnarok monk. There are a lot of good places for monk leveling, if you get tired of leveling in one map, you could always go to another place.

Ragnarok Monk Leveling Guide Level 60-75

So you have just changed into a monk, the best thing to do is to boost first your skills. If you have an ample amount of dex, equipped a Fire Weapon then level with the Leaf Cats. This monster gives high job experience. The wootan fighter in the map would compensate the base experience. Metalings is also a good place to level especially if zeny is tight and you don’t have proper equipments.

Izlude dungeon 3 is not so bad either for ragnarok monk leveling. Item drops and cards are also good from monsters in this map. You could also go for the Orc Ladies and Orcs, experience is good and their HP is low.

Ragnarok Monk Leveling Guide Level 75-80

If you are a combo type monk, you could level in the Minorous and Geffen Dungeon 3. Both map gives good item drops. But monsters in geffen dungeon 3 are much stronger and meaner.

Using Infiltration, you could go to Glast Heim and level with either Phen Dark or Rybio. Rybio is more recommended because your survival rate in gl_prison is much higher than gl_prison1. High orcs in alde_dun02 and gef_fild14 is also a good monster to level.

If you already have Finger Offensive and on a tight budget, you could also go with the geographers.

Ragnarok Monk Leveling Guide Level 85-99

This is where Finger Offensive and Infiltration skills work the best. Just use the skill with the Sleepers and monsters in the Turtle dungeon 2 - Permeter, Solider and Freezer. The pest is annoying though, they hit so hard. The drop is turtle dungeon 2 is much better than from the Sleepers. Honeys, Royal Jellies and Mastelas are extremely useful for monks.

In terms of fast leveling, nothing beats Lighthalzen dungeon 3. You could ask your friends to leech you or join you in their party. You’ll be 99 in no time. The best thing about this map is you never level down.

Swordman Leveling Guide

Ragnarok Swordsman are not that easy to level. It requires a lot of patience in order to reach job level 50. They don’t level fast unlike of the range attacking jobs such as archers and mages. They engages in enemy battle face to face. It’s good for them that they have high vitality to last in these battles. Besides, you are really going to enjoy the game because you’ll be exploring a lot of maps in Ragnarok Rune Midgard.

In this guide, I’ll give you Ragnarok tips on where to level your swordsman and what equipment to wear.

Ragnarok Swordman Leveling Tips - Map

Culvert Dungeon
is the best place to start leveling your Ragnarok Swordsman. You could even stay here up to job level 40-50 if you want to. But there’s a high possibility that you will be getting tired of those bugs. You could start at Culvert Dungeon level 1 and go deeper as your level increases. But the loots in this place is no good.

Izlude Dungeon

A lot of swordsman flocks in the Izlude dungeon or Byalan. This is even the best place to level for swordsman. You just need a wind element weapon and you are good to go. Like the Culvert Dungeon, start at level 1 and go deeper as your level increases. The loots aren’t that bad either especially the cards that you could get in these dungeon. Like the Hydra Card, Marina Card and Plankton Card.

Level 10-30

  • Rocker
  • Spores
  • Condor
  • Peco Peco
  • Poporing
  • Zombies
  • Culvert 1
  • Byalan 1

If you are on a tight budget and a pure beginner, start leveling in Rocker or Spores. They are not that difficult to fight with. But you won’t be getting rare items in here. But who cares, you are just starting out. The zeny would come later as you grew stronger. Payon Dungeon 0 is not that bad place to level either, but you will be competing with a archers, mages and acolytes. So the best thing to do is to party with them. You will be getting that angel in your head in just a short time. Hunting Condors and Peco Pecos is not that bad either. You could even get a condor card which is not that pricey but a good alternative for whisper card. Or you could travel at the poring land, killing the poring, drops and poporing. But be careful because there’s lot of mini boss in there.

Level 30-40

  • Elder Willow
  • Wolf
  • Byalan 2
  • Culvert 2

At this level, if you don’t want to go in Culvert or Byalan, you could always go for the Elder Willows. They are not that difficult to kill and their defense is low. Besides, you could dodge their attacks too. You could also go after the Wolves in Payon. This monster drops mantle [1] and strawberry which a lot of players have been buying. You could also hunt Munaks, Zeroms and Sandman but you need to party with other players to survive.

Level 40-50

  • Byalan 3
  • Culvert 3
  • Sandman

This is the final moment. You could even change your job at level 40 if you are too excited to be a second job. You could either go at Byalan, Culvert and Sandman in Morroc. But Byalan is the best map for me because of the monster drops. Sandman is not that bad either because of the rough eluniums.

Ragnarok Swordman Leveling Tips - Party Party Party!!!

Another good reason why I love this game is the chance to meet other people. Socialize through partying with other players. Not only they could help you level fast, but they could also make playing Ragnarok more fun. I miss the good old days :(

Ragnarok Swordman Leveling Tips - Equipments

Invest first in your weapon then armor. Save some to buy yourself a pupa compounded armor. Buy cards that enhances attacks like Andre Card and Zipper Bear. Buy also elemental weapons especially the wind weapon. It could be your lifetime Ragnarok swordsman weapon and just stay in Byalan upon leveling. In the accessory, you could buy a necklace or those with Mantis card to boost your strength.

Mage Leveling Guide

Ragnarok Mages are so easy to level if you have proper equipments and booster. You could even have a job 50 mage in just five hours or less. The most commonly used leveling skill is the Fire Bolt then the Soul Strike. But Soul Strike is not as good as Fire Bolt in terms of skill planning. When you became a wizard, soul strike would be rarely used.

This Ragnarok mage leveling guide features the best map on where to level your character. It discuss the places to power level your character or even if you are just starting out.

Ragnarok Mage Leveling Guide - Power Up!

By power up, I mean you have a full support Ragnarok priest booster.


Sting map is very hard to go into, but it’s totally worth it. The experience given by this monster is really high. You just need the firebolt skill to kill it. One or two firebolts maybe enough. The priest just have to cast Lex Aeterna on the Stings. Watch out for the quagmire skill of the stings for it may weaken you and let you loose control of the game. Don’t be very brave of facing more than two stings for might kill you.


What made this better than the stings is its accessibility. Geographers have high respawn rate at the north of Einbroch. The map also has Metaling in it which also gives high experience. What annoys me is the heal skill of the Geographer. You maybe having a hard time killing these monsters especially if they are too close with each other. But they give good experience so it’s worth a try.

Ragnarok Mage Leveling Guide - Maps

Level 10- 28

  • Payon Cave 00
  • Metaling

Party with acolytes and arches in the Payon cave. You’ll be surprised on how fast you’ll level. Or you could level by yourself in the cave but stay close with other players. You won’t be able to dodge the monsters. Metaling is a good monster to hunt too, it has low hp and gives high base experience.

Level 28-35

  • Greatest General

The greatest general could just do damage to you once you go near it. So stay in a safe spot, cast frost driver then lighting bolt. It gives high base experience in no sweat.
Level 35-50

  • Clock Tower
  • Geographer

Leveling in the clock tower will be hard if you don’t have good equipments. The trick here is the firewall and firebolt combo. He gives high experience but you must have good skills and perfect timing. Like the greatest general, you could attack the geographers in range, which is a very good thing. You just have to be patient.

Ragnarok Mage Leveling Guide - What to wear

Ragnarok Mages have extremely low hp so you have to invest with a pupa armor. It would be the best equipment that will be able to help you. Buy wands to boost your magical damage. Buy a healing clip but be careful of scams. I was always a victim because of the Healing clip. Then, buy dex equipments if you have some spare money. You don’t need that much equipment if you are attacking on a distance.

Acolyte Leveling Guide

Acolytes like archers and wizards are fast to level. All you need are undead monsters to make your way to the second job. However, due to the limited sp, Ragnarok acolytes requires a lot of patience because there is a lot of sitting while leveling to replenish sp.

The best maps or dungeons to level for acolytes if they want to level alone are maps with undead monsters. The most famous are payon dungeon and glast heim.

Ragnarok Acolyte Leveling Guide

Payon Dungeon

The Payon Dungeon is a good start to level for Ragnarok Acolytes. Skeleton and Zombie gives enough experience to level from 10-20. When you reach level 20-30, you could go deeper and fight with Bongun and Munaks. However, they hit so hard so you may have a hard time if you go there solo.

Glast Heim

In the glast heim, the acolytes could only kill Zombie Prisoner (gl_prison). This however is not a one on one battle. If acolytes try to battle with Zombie Prisoner alone, it could kill them. The key here is teamwork and the map being an FFA (Free For All). Besides, there are good Samaritans in Glast Heim that could resurrect you for free. You could stay here until you reached job 50. GlastHeim map have nice loots like Eluniums and Steels.


One of the best way to enjoy the game is to party with other Ragnarok players. It also allows your character to level faster. One of the good place to party with archers is in moc_pryd03 killing mummies. You could stay in the safe spot and snipe the mummies with them. But the only problem here is, you won’t get any loots

Archer Leveling Guide

Ragnarok Archer Leveling Guide Job 10 - 20

Spores, Payon Dungeon, Willows, Poring Island

Where else to start leveling your archer but in Payon itself. You don’t need carded bows yet in leveling in these maps. Silver arrows would do an ample amount of damage but it will cause you some money because you are just starting out. Normal arrows will do. Spores drops strawberries which sells for about 600-1K. A good place to start earning money. In Payon Dungeons, you could get Mace [4] and Opals which can both sell from 10-15K. Finally Willows who drops ordinary trunks and trunks which are quest items. I make it appoint not to sell the trunks in the NPC because they sell better with other players who are doing quests. You just need some red potions when the situation turns really bad. Pump your dex first.

Ragnarok Archer Leveling Guide Job 20-35

Payon Dungeon, Greatest General, Elder Willows, Mandragoras, Floras, Hode and Mummies
Elder Willows does not do high damage to you and their defense is weak so you could kill them with at least two to three strifes. They have a high dropping rate of trunks and resins is a good sell as well for about 45-60Z. It could already buy you at least one red potion. Greatest General gives high exp but it has a Pneuma skill which sucks for archers. And, they have high defense so you have to be patient. A good place for archer leveling too is the Mandragora and Floras are a good place to level because of their item drops that brewing ingredients. Besides, mandragoras drop four leaf clovers.

You could ‘cliff’ snipe the Hodes and Mummies. The only disadvantage is you won’t get any loots. Still, increase the dex further of your Ragnarok archer

Ragnarok Archer Leveling Guide 35-50

Glast Heim Prison, Greatest General, Geographer, Leaf Cats, Enchanted Soils

Finally, at level 35 you could now go in Glast Heim underprison. Experience is really really good, but be prepared to be knocked out by Hunter Fly, Rybio and Injustice. Hunter Flies are more pain in the ass anyway. So you need a lot of fly wings and some white potions because monsters do high damage. However, if your server is teleport disabled, the best thing to do is to sticked together. Stay close with other archers and high leveled players. This way, they could kill monsters that you won’t be able to. Who knows, a good priest might Resurrect you for free.

So GH didn’t work out. Where else to go, but to the leaf cats which are the second best thing. Leafcats has low hp but gives a high job experience. At the same map, you could also find the Wootan fighter which gives high base experience. Just equip Fire arrows for leaf cats and crystal arrows for the wootan fighter

Geographers has nice loots for archer leveling aside from the experience it gives. Just equip fire arrows and you’re good to go. The ideal place for geographers is in ein_fild07, north of Einbroch. Greatest Generals on the other hand requires you to have a high dex or else it may take a while before you could kill him.

Enchanted Soils gives good exp only if your Ragnarok archer is properly equipped and financed.

The good weapon to invest in this level is a boned bow. In your stat, you could now add agi if you like.

Clown Build Guide

Clowns are one of the best supporting job in Ragnarok. They may not have the strength of the knights nor the agility of the assassins but they have the capability of paralyzing a lot of enemies.

Almost all of the stats of Ragnarok clowns are similar. It evolves around dex, luck and int. If you want to experiment with builds, you could go with agi, luck and str. But why would you go this way if you can’t maximize the Ragnarok clown skills? If you want to go for agi then I advised for you to take the sniper job and not a clown.

MVP Clown Build Ragnarok Guide

In MVP hunt, clowns are better off to party with other Ragnarok players. Solo MVP Clowns are rare because they are more efficient when in a party. Besides, it doesn’t matter who the MVP is, what matters are the loots that you’ll be getting in the MVP hunt. With the help of the clown, biochemists, monks and priests could perform better in your party.

MVP that clowns could fight along with the aid of the priest are Moonlight and Evil Snake Lord. But if you’re competing with others in hunting them, you have a poor chance of becoming the MVP.


  • Dex - 99
  • Vit - 80-85
  • Int -40-50

Must have skills:

  • Frost Joke
  • Braggi’s Poem
  • Arrow Vulcan

Ragnarok Clown Build Guide - MVP Tactic:

MVP along with a priest

Cast the Arrow Vulcan skill until the MVP monster dies. Use frost joke once in a while to freeze the annoying mobs. The truth is, your success matters most with the ability of the priest in your party.

MVP with party members.

Stay in the safe spot. You could cast Braggi poem and frost joke alternately. Braggi is cast to help decrease the casting delay of the party members. Frost joke is cast to freeze the mobs of the MVP but there is a low chance that you could freeze some or one of your co-party members.

Ragnarok Clown Build Guide - MVP Equipment

MVP along with a priest

Make sure you have the correct musical instrument.

MVP with party members

Wear equipments that could boost your vit and defense.

PVP Clown Build Ragnarok Guide

I’ve never seen an owning clown in a PvP. The combo skill they usually used in PVP is frost joke then arrow vulcan with wind arrow. Sometimes it kills but most of the time, it doesnt. Another good skill to check in pvp is the Tarot Card of Fate. A card is randomly selected from 14 different cards, and success rate depends on the skill level. But you have to be real lucky in order to cast a good card. By luck, it means your real life luck not the luck of your Ragnarok Clown.


  • Dex - 99
  • Vit - 70-80
  • Int - 60-75

WOE Clown Build Ragnarok Guide

Clowns are the key players in defense and offense. The woe clown build is maximum dex and more on int and less vit. Int because you’ll be alternating between dances and the arrow showers. If you want to put on strength just to increase your weight capacity, don’t. Just buy yourself a gym pass.

  • dex - 99
  • vit - 60 - 70
  • int - 75- 80


  • Eternal Chaos
  • Roki’s Weil
  • Braggi’s Poem
  • Frost Joke
  • Roki’s Weil
  • Apple of Idun
  • Dissonance
  • Longing for Freedom
  • Assassin Cross of Sunset

Ragnarok Bard Clown Weapon Guide

  • High Dex - Carded Violin [4]
  • Mid Dex - Carded Mandolin [3]
  • Low Dex - Carded Guitar [1]

Priest Build Guide

When I first started playing Ragnarok online, the job npc adviser offered me the path of being an acolye as it says in my personality test. But I declined and chose to be an archer instead. Legolas Greenleaf was famous back then. After I level my hunter to 99, I became a Ragnarok Magnus Exorcismus priest. The name itself is super cool to hear. Surprisingly, I loved it so I made a full support one after and it became my main Ragnarok character.

Priest, by nature are the supporters and servants of other Ragnarok job class. Remember our job change test that we took before? We must first prioritized other people’s sakes before ours.

There are many builds that you could choose from. You can become full support, a magnus exorcismus or battle. Before the 2-2 classes, there were a number of battle priests in our servers, but now their numbers have faded away.


If you want to have this Ragnarok character too and have no idea what build to do, this is the article for you.

Ragnarok Full support build:

The most important stats in the full support build is int, vit then dex. Int, so you’ll never ran out of mana when supporting your partymates. Vit for high survival rate and you don’t want to die before the characters you support. Dex to lessen skill delay and skill casting time. There are many types of full support types to choose from.


  • Player vs Player - If you are a pvp afficionado gamer, you need to prioritize dex. Remember that you have lots of pots to cover up your int & vit. Plus, having a high amount of vit will made you an easy target for biochemist’s acid demonstration. However, having a low amount of vit made you useless if you get stunned. If you watch videos of Ragnarok Champioships, the success of the party depends on your efficiency.

Int - mid (70-90)
Vit - mid (70-80)
Dex - high (80-99)

Pneuma - your best defense against Soul Destroyer and Acid Demonstration
Angelus - Increases defense based on your vit
Status Recovery - recover your stunned, frozen, party mate
Safety Wall - Tired of being killed by monks in a single hit?
Ruwach - against sneaky enemies
Increase Agi, Blessing, Imposition Manus, Suffragium Assumptio - minimize the damage
Decrease Agi - Level 1 is fair enough.
Lex Divina - Silence your opponent and unsilence your party mate


Your equipments should protect you against demi-human monster. For the armor, unfrozen and ghost are the most effective. Hide clip could be handy sometimes too.

  • Player vs Monster - In player vs monster, vit is the key. There are vit-based monster skills. Also, you need to have a high int in this. You don’t want to loose mana and be helpless when mobbed by monsters. Dex maybe unnecessary but if you are fighting a boss monster, you might need some. But one of the challenges of this build is levelling. You will always need to have a party mate if you want to level fast or you could heal bomb all the way, you have high int anyway.

Int: high (85-99)
Dex: low (30-50)
Vit: high (85-99)

Lex Aeterna, Angelus, Increase Agi, Blessing, Imposition Manus, Suffragium, Pnuema, Magnificat, Gloria, Resurrection (Level 4 is recommended), Assumptio, Redemptio, Medidation

Depends on what map that you are on. Choose equipments that could boost your defense more.

  • Siege build - The most fun feature of Ragnarok Online game is the War of Emperium. Priests play an essential role especially when you are defending the castle. Like the pvp build, dex in the key stat in this build then vit and lastly int. You do not need lots of int because combats usually last for 5 minutes or less. Vits must be minimal because of the biochemist’s acid demonstration skill and defense against status ailments. Besides, during sieges, pots matter. Also, take advantage of the Sanctuary skill (level 7 will do) to heal the emperium and also get aspersio. Emp has a holy property. You could also cast aspersio to your guildmates to boost their damage. Players usually wear anti neutral attacks equipments. Get Kyrie Eleison because you couldn’t cast Assumptio on guild castles.

Int: mid (70-80)
Dex: high (80-99)
Vit: mid (70-80)

Sanctuary (7), Safety Wall (10) , Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (5), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Gloria (3), Angelus (10), Aspersio (5), Kyrie Eleison (10)

Choose equipments that could boost your defense. Also, take advantage of the status armors. Having a dark lord shoes is also a plus.

  • Hybrid - Having all dex vit and int in the same level could have an advantage or disadvantage as well. Your vit may not be too high or your int may not be enough or you might have too much dex. It depends on every situation. This is effective on boss hunting parties.

Int mid (75-85)
Dex: mid (75-85)
Vit: mid (75-85)

Sanctuary (7), Safety Wall (10) , Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (5), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Gloria (3), Angelus (10),Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3), Resurrection (4)

Depends on what map that you are on and situation.


Before the domination of monks, this is the coolest amongst the Ragnarok builds. This build is already rare nowadays or players just do it for fun and experiment. Take advantage of the gloria Ragnarok skill. Building this stat is one of the hardest, because you have to sacrifice one stat for another



Str: mid (60-75)
Agi: mid (60-75)
Int: low (10-30)
Vit: low (10-30)
Dex mid (20-30)
Luck:: mid (30-50)

Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (5), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Gloria (3), Angelus (10), Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3) Mace Mastery (10)

Stunner or swordmace is the best weapon.

Magnus Exorcismus

Magnus Exorcismus build is one of the most fun character to do in this game. Killing lots of undead monsters in a single cast. You need dex for casting time and int for damage. Int should be prioritize more, because being an exorcist drains your mana, especially if you are wearing mistress sunglasses.


  • Fast Cast exorcist - Prioritizing dex more than anything else and having a fairly amount of int. Killing undead and demon monster in less time because of the decrease in casting time. Spamming turn undead is easier and you have enough vit to survive.If you don’t want to get Safety Wall because of blue gems hassle, this build is perfect for you. Just get the Kyrie Eleison or Assumptio instead. Or you could have the Safety Wall and undead monsters would be a no match to you. You also have to get Meditatio to compensate for the lack of int in this build. Gloria to increase your chance in safety wall. Beware, you might cast Magnus Exorcismus twice because of your moderate int but the good thing is, this build is flexible. You can use this in boss hunting parties, pvp and siege.

Dex: high (99)
Int: mid (75-85)
Vit: mid (50-70)

Angelus (10), Magnus Exorcismus (10), Turn Undead (3), Sanctuary, Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (3), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Gloria (3), Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3), Meditatio (10), Demon Bane(10), Divine Protection (10), Safety Wall (10)

Dex equipments

  • Deadly cast exorcist - You could kill monsters in just one cast and you can have a chance to MVP Doppelganger by yourself. This is a good Ragnarok build for Exorcist - Support. You have enough mana to support your party and Magnus Exorcismus to help your partymates in finishing those monsters. Or you could party with other priest and you two would be a deadly duo. Levelling would never be easier especially if you are in geffen guild dungeon. You may think twice before getting Safety Wall, you will be having trouble casting it because of the delay.

Dex: mid (75-85)
Int: high (99)
Vit: mid (50-70)

Angelus (10), Magnus Exorcismus (10), Sanctuary, Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (3), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3), Meditatio (10), Demon Bane(10), Divine Protection (10)

Int equipments

  • Full Exorcist - A build with just pure dex and int so don’t get an Angelus skill. This is the most effective fast-levelling magnus exorcismus build. You could also use this character during sieges and most effective on emperium defense. You have to have an Orc Hero headgear though or you’ll be useless. This build is also useful in boss hunting but you need to stay inside safety wall or you’ll be dead meat.

Int: high (99)
Vit: none (0)
Dex: high (99)

Magnus Exorcismus (10), Sanctuary, Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (3), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3), Meditatio (10), Demon Bane(10), Divine Protection (10), Safety Wall (10)

Int/Dex equipments

  • Hybrid exorcist - A balance among vit, dex and int. This build is for Ragnarok players who just want to level alone or party with others. This can also be used in sieging and pvp but have certain limitations because the mana may not be sufficient enough or vit is too high. Depending upon the given situation. This build works best for me when I made my magnus. You can choose Kyrie Eleison over Safety Wall and you could be an effective exorcist still. If you want to have a mistress headgear, you’ll be having trouble with this build because your mana wouldn’t be just enough. You end up slaying a few monsters then sit for regeneration.

Int: mid (80-85)
Vit: mid (80-85)
Dex: mid (80-85)

Magnus Exorcismus (10), Sanctuary, Increase Agi (10), Blessing (10), Impositio Manus (3), Suffragium (3), Status Recovery (1), Lex Aeterna (1), Lex Divina (5), Magnificat (3), Kyrie Eleison (10), Assumptio (3), Meditatio (10), Demon Bane(10), Divine Protection (10)

Int/Dex/Vit equipments

Crusader Build Guide

If you’re interested in serving god in the Holy War, then choose the path of the crusader. You have to be a Swordsman at job level 40 or more to change job as a Crusader in the Prontera Castle. Crusaders are the backbone of a PvP, PvM and MVP party, they sacrifice their life for others. Ragnarok Crusaders are known for their Devotion, Shield and Grand Cross skill. These are some builds and skills that may help you build your Crusader.

PvM / Power Level Build:

Grand Cross build

  • Int: 99
  • Dex: 60-80
  • Vit: 50-70

Int is the most important stat in this build because GC (Grand Cross) skill depends more on the matk (Magic Attack) rather than the atk (Attack Power) of the character. The skill Heal also depends on the int value of the character. An equal distribution of dex helps the crusader to cast GC faster, therefore fast kill. A fair vit helps you survive on mobs of monster while leveling.


  • Grand Cross – This is the most important skill for this build. Level 10 is recommended
  • Heal – Don’t go out without it =)) you need this to aid your self on mobs and after casting GC on the enemy. Level 10 is recommended.
  • Faith – Gives you 2000hp and 50% resistance to holy attack at level 10.
  • Other skill points are distributed as a prerequisite skill in order to use GC and Heal

PVP / Siege Tank Build: Devotion, Shield Build

  • Str: 90-99
  • Vit: 60-80
  • Dex: 60-80

You focus on the str part because siege tankers needs to carry a lot of healing pots to survive in a long war and for constant devotion (Taking all the damage that was cast on your party mates) This is good for both defense and offense, Wizards can cast spells even taking damage from enemies. Also str increases your damage when using Shield Boomerang and Shield Charge Skill. Vit for more hit points for the Devotion skill. Dex for faster casting of devotion and hitting enemies by the use of your shield.


  • Devotion – Plays an essential part in defense and offense. A combo of wiz, bard that is devoted makes your guild unstoppable. Level 5 is recommended
  • Guard – Chance to block an attack, 30% at max level. 5 or higher is recommended
  • Shield Boomerang – Attack an enemy at a certain distance. Level 3 is recommended
  • Shield Charge – Stuns your enemy in a certain chance depending on the skill level. You may use this with status weapons tho give different status on your enemies.

Archer Skill Guide

Archers have only five skills so it’s not that difficult to plan them. The challenge here is the sequence on when to get it. There are 2 skills initially and you have to unlock the other three. It is advisable to turn into a hunter at job 50 to maximize the Ragnarok archer skills.

Ragnarok Archer Skill Guide - Sequence

Double Strafe - 8
Owl’s Eye - 3
Vulture’s Eye - 5
Double Strafe - 10
Owl’s Eye - 10
Vulture Eye - 10
Improve Concentration - 10
Arrow Shower - 9Total - 49

Ragnarok Archer Skill Guide - Explanation

Double strafe improves your damage and doubles your attacks. I only put 8 because as your level increases, so does your dex. The damage of your double strafe combined with dex and your bow maybe enough to kill the monsters in just one hit. Get Owl’s Eye 3 just to unlock the Vulture’s Eye. Get level 5 Vulture Eye to increase the range and your hit. This way, you could attack monsters that are stronger than you without comprising your hp. Having the range gives you an advantage of killing the monsters before they get near you. This time, get the maximum Double Strafe because you are now dealing with stronger monsters. Then get the rest of the Owl’s Eye and Vulture’s Eye. Archer’s have low sp so casting Improve Concentration would be such a waste of sp, why not use your sp in casting double strafes. Lastly, get the Arrow Shower, it ay not help as much in leveling but this skills owns in sieges.

Ragnarok Archer Skill Guide - Description

Double Strafe

Double Strafe

SP Cost: 12
Required Weapon Class: Bow
Ammunition Required: 1 Arrow
Effect: Ranged attack, that fires two arrows and hits with an ATK of 180% + 20%*SkillLV. Requires an equipped bow. Only 1 arrow is consumed.
Level Description
1 200% Damage
2 220% Damage
3 240% Damage
4 260% Damage
5 280% Damage
6 300% Damage
7 320% Damage
8 340% Damage
9 360% Damage
10 380% Damage

Owl’s Eye

Effect: Increases DEX by 1*SkillLV.
Level Description
1 DEX +1
2 DEX +2
3 DEX +3
4 DEX +4
5 DEX +5
6 DEX +6
7 DEX +7
8 DEX +8
9 DEX +9
10 DEX +10

Vulture’s Eye

Type: Passive Max Level: 10
Requirements: Owl’s Eye Level 3
Effect: Increases range with bows by 1*SkillLV cells and increases HIT by 1 per SkillLV.
Level Description
1 Range and HIT +1
2 Range and HIT +2
3 Range and HIT +3
4 Range and HIT +4
5 Range and HIT +5
6 Range and HIT +6
7 Range and HIT +7
8 Range and HIT +8
9 Range and HIT +9
10 Range and HIT +10

Improve Concentration

Requirements: Vulture’s Eye Level 1
SP Cost: 20 + 5*SkillLV
Duration: 40 + 20*SkillLV sec
Effect: Increases DEX and AGI of the casting character by 2% + 1%*SkillLV. Only affects DEX/AGI from base stat, job bonus, armor and Owl’s Eye. Does not include cards. Detects hidden and cloaked characters within a 3 cells range.
Level Description
1 + 3% AGI/DEX
2 + 4% AGI/DEX
3 + 5% AGI/DEX
4 + 6% AGI/DEX
5 + 7% AGI/DEX
6 + 8% AGI/DEX
7 + 9% AGI/DEX
8 + 10% AGI/DEX
9 + 11% AGI/DEX
10 + 12% AGI/DEX

Arrow Shower

Arrow Shower

Requirements: Double Strafe Level 5
SP Cost: 15
Attack Type: [Splash Damage, 2 cells]
Knockback: 2 cells (Except during Guild War Siege)
Required Weapon Class: Bow
Ammunition Required: 1 Arrow
Effect: 3×3 cells, ranged splash attack with an ATK of 75% + 5%*SkillLV. Enemies hit by the attack are pushed back 2 cells. Requires an equipped bow. Only 1 arrow is consumed.
Level Description
1 80% Damage
2 85% Damage
3 90% Damage
4 95% Damage
5 100% Damage
6 105% Damage
7 110% Damage
8 115% Damage
9 120% Damage
10 125% Damage

Ragnarok Archer Skill Guide - Platinum Skills

Arrow Craft

SP Cost: 10
Required State: Requires to be less than 50% weight
Effect: Creates arrows from an item. Different items give different amounts and types of arrows. Cannot be used if above 50% weight.
Charge Arrow

SP Cost: 15
Target: 1 Enemy Range: 9 + Vulture’s Eye SkillLV cells
Knockback: 6 cells (Except during Guild War Siege)
Required Weapon Class: Bow
Ammunition Required: 1 Arrow
Effect: Ranged attack at 150% ATK. The target is pushed back 6 cells. Only 1 arrow is consumed.

Archer Build Guide

Archer is the base class if you want to be a hunter, bard, dancer, clown or gypsy. Archers are not that difficult to level because it can kill within a range. Besides, archers together with acolytes flock in Glast Heim. You can even change into a second job in just a day or less especially when your server is experience rate modified.

The way of an archer starts in Payon. If you want to be an archer, level your novice in the Payon forest specifically with the Willows. You need the trunk drops in the archer change quest. Besides, you could sell these trunks to wannabe archers that failed to meet the trunk points. Just a tip, never give all the trunks to the Archer Guildsman when taking the Archer Job Change Quest, he’s going to take them all. And don’t give him the pure trunks, it is pricey than the ordinary trunks.

Ragnarok Archer Guide - Stats

Initial Novice Stats

Go for 9 dex, 9 int and 9 agi.

Pure Dex Ragnarok Archer

Pure dex archers do more damage but their defense is weak. So the trick here is to hit, then run, hit then run and pray that you kill your target monster before it gets near you. Even as an archer, you could get the maximum dex 99. You would only rely on the double strafe skill while leveling because in normal attacks, monsters may get to you immediately.

Agi Dex Ragnarok Archer

This is the hybrid build. You could do a good amount of damage and you may be able to dodge some monsters.You won’t just rely on the double strafe skill while leveling. Normal attacks would work too because of your attack speed and flee.

Agi Hunter

If you go for pure agi build, it won’t work. You won’t be able to hit some monsters and your damage would be extremely low. Yes, you have high attack speed but you are wasting too much arrows as well. Remember, you are just starting out, you have to save as much as you can.

Side Notes:


A little amount of int is also good to increase your sp, sp recovery and so that you could spam the Double Strafe skill. This is also necessary especially when you want to be a bard, dancer or a falconer hunter.


It’s too early to get this skill so don’t get these two. They are practically useless to archers


Strength is a waste of stat for your Ragnarok archer. If you want to invest in str just because you want to increase your weight capacity, don’t. Just buy yourself a gym pass.

Ragnarok Archer Guide - Equipment

When you became an archer, the archer guildsman would give you a bow[4]. Just keep the bow [4] and invest with composite bow, cross bow or gakkung. Invest with bows first. If you have save enough, and your Ragnarok archer could already equip the bow, buy the next bow that does more damage. After the bow, the net best thing to buy is a pupa card. Pupa card adds 800 to your hp. You don’t need tights [1] immediately, mantle [1] and coat [1] will do. The next good investment is to buy headgears that increases your dex.

Ragnarok Archer Guide - How to survive

The trick for Archers is to cast double strafe then run, cast double strafe again then run. Period. You may need some red potions and flywings to aid you in leveling.


Ragnarok Quest

Ragnarok Broken Diamond Quest

Ragnarok Online Game Item Requirements

20 Fine Sand
10 Brigan
10 Soft Blade of Grass
5 Empty Bottle
10,000 Zeny

Ragnarok Online Game Level Requirements

Base Level 65

Ragnarok Online Game Prerequisite:

Muff’s Loan Quest

Ragnarok Quest Online Game Rewards:

1 Old Blue Box
2 3carat Diamond
1 Pearl

Ragnarok Unlucky Emerald Quest

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Ragnarok Online Game Requirements:

2 Pearl
2 Zargon
20 Memento
1 Holy Water
1 Witherless Rose
1 Crystal Blue
1 Red Blood
1 Wind of Verdure
301,200 Zeny
1 Party member

Ragnarok Online Game Quest Pre-requisites:

Broken Diamond Quest

Ragnarok Online Game Reward:

1 Dead Branch
1 Two-handed Sword [1]
1 Old Blue Box or 1 Old Purple Box (Base Level 99)
about 1,000,000 Base level (90+)

Register at the best RO Server: Death Angel RO (Mid Rate 3k/3k/2k)

Ragnarok Nameless Island Quest

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Ragnarok Nameless Island Quest Level Requirement

Base Level 80

Ragnarok Nameless Island Quest Item Requirement

3,000 Zeny

Ragnarok Nameless Island Quest Reward

1,500,000 Base Experience
4 Assorted Seafood

Ragnarok Nameless Island Quest Prerequisite

Lost Child Quest
Rachel Sanctuary Quest
Veins Siblings Quest
Curse of Gaebolg (Founding of the Nation Myth Quest)

The Ragnarok Online game Nameless Island Quest is bugged! Once you die inside the […]

Register at the best RO Server: Skuld Ragnarok Online (10/10/10)

Ragnarok Muff’s Loan Quest

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

Ragnarok Online Game Quest Item Requirements:

20 Rusty Screw
10 Iron Ore
5 Steel
2 Ruby
5 Red Gemstone

Ragnarok Online Game Quest Level Requirements:

Base Level 60

Ragnarok Online Game Quest Rewards:

1 Old Blue Box
4 Yggdrasil Seed

Register at the best RO Server: Death Angel RO (Mid Rate 3k/3k/2k)

Ragnarok Battle Arena Quest

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

The Ragnarok Battle Arena Quest allows you to simulate one on one battle to different level of Ragnarok monsters. Too bad for us, there are no drops or experience in this quest. Nevertheless, I had fun doing this and testing my limit. Besides, my friends could watch me battle with monsters.
Ragnarok Quest Reward

Entrance to Battle […]

Ragnarok Alchemist Item Gathering Quest

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

I usually do the Ragnarok Alchemist Item Gathering Quest when I want to gather Gold. This Ragnarok quest is also a part of Alchemist Job Change Quest
Ragnarok Quest Item Requirements:

Mini Furnace x 5
Coal x 5
Burnt Tree x 5
Rough Oridecon x 3
Rough Elunium x 3
Mixture x 1
Star Crumb x 5
2,000 Zeny

Ragnarok Quest Reward: Any of […]

Ragnarok Level 4 Weapon Quest Class S

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

In Ragnarok Level 4 Weapon Quest, Getting the weapon that you desire is completely random. It depends on your real life luck what kind of Ragnarok level 4 weapon the NPC will successfully forge.
Ragnarok Quest Item Requirements

2 Hammer of Blacksmith
1 Emperium Anvil
1 Illusion Flower
20 Gold
3 sets of 30 special Ores (see below for […]

Register at the best RO Server: Death Angel RO (Mid Rate 3k/3k/2k)

Ragnarok Level 4 Weapon Quest Class A

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Ragnarok Quest Requirements:

10 Gold
50 Steel
10 Emperium

30 Citrine - Chimera
30 Turquoise - Archangeling
30 Agate - Archangeling

30 Muscovite - Tirfing
30 Biotite - Mysteltainn
30 Pyroxene - Mutant Dragon

30 Phlogopite - Executioner
30 Peridot - Ungoliant
30 Rose Quartz - Zherlthsh

Ragnarok Level Requirement: Base Level 70
Ragnarok Quest Prerequisite - Ragnarok Umbala Quest (some NPCs are natives of Umbala)
Ragnarok Quest Reward: Ragnarok […]

Ragnarok Bot Config Tutorial Using Pots

Ragnarok Bot Config Tutorial Using Pots

Level of Difficulty: Easy
Ragnarok Bot How to Use Healing Potions, Awakening Potions and Etc
In the src/config.txt of your Ragnarok bot, find the useSelf_item line. The use self item pots allows your bot to use potions specified when your hp becomes low.
useSelf_item {
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
disabled 0
manualAI 0

How to use Healing Potions

Although the useSelf_item block is too long, you only need some of the commands to enable use of pots

useSelf_item Red Potion, White Potion, Potato {
hp <>


1. useSelf_item Red Potion, White Potion, Potato - your character would use red potions white potions or potato as your healing item

2. hp <>it will use the healing items that you specified when your character’s hp is below 50%.

How to use Awakening Potion, Concentration Potion and Berserker Potion

These potions allows your character to level fast because it increases your attack speed.

Ragnarok Bot use Awakening Potion

useSelf_item Awakening Potion {
whenStatusInactive Awakening Potion

Ragnarok Bot use Concentration Potion

useSelf_item Concentration Potion {
whenStatusInactive Concentration Potion

Ragnarok Bot use Berserker Potion

useSelf_item Berserker Potion {
whenStatusInactive Berserker Potion


1. useSelf_item Berserker Potion - your character would use the potion that you specified

2. whenStatusInactive Berserker Potion - it uses the potion when your character is inactive of that status